Easy plan IndePlan

Are the production planning modules of enterprise management systems expensive? Are they too complex for the given task?

It is necessary to reach a level for operation on the part of IT and on the part of colleagues throughout the organization. Machine operator, team leader, shift manager, area manager...etc.      

Our experience is that the below positions deal with the following issues on a daily task.

Operator: "I can't see, I don't understand exactly where my production is and what my next task is. The administration assigned to me is too complex and the system I have to use is complicated."

Group leader, shift manager: "It is not clear where my current production is. It is difficult for me to handle and respond to SOS requests because the system is not flexible. There is too much administration regarding downtime and product changes."

Manager: "It is difficult for me to gather information about production. Downtimes, Product changes, Process interruptions, etc."

Production / Production planner: "There is no feedback from production regarding the production plan. I collect yesterday's changes on a daily basis and re-plan the plan. I constantly receive comments that they do not see the plan as appropriate because it is not clear, inconsistent, etc. 30% of my daily work is spent on updating the plan, which is an administrative task and not a planning task."

Maintenance: "I don't see the production downtimes related to maintenance. It is a continuous, daily consultation to plan the maintenance times in the production plan."


This is what INDEPLAN means to us

  • Cheap production planner. Based on Excel, which also works on Google Sheet for free.
  • It works at a lower price than the production planning module of a company management system. Access to basic excel or Google Sheet is all you need.
  • It can be learned quickly. Anyone who has seen excel, or planned production, can learn it in about 3 hours.
  • Automatic recalculation at the push of a button.

Let's talk about it!